What's a co-op board?

Our board is staying busy! We’ve got some (very) tentative planning going on for our virtual annual meeting, policy governance is getting checked off as usual, and we’ve got board elections coming up soon.

With election time quickly approaching, we’re asking our members to run for the board - or to send a text to their favorite up-and-comers telling them to rep their co-op! A strong board means a strong co-op, which means we can do more for the Athens community. 

Voting for the board is a major component of membership and running for the board is a way to directly help steer the vision of Daily. Take a look at what the board is all about and then send us a note with any questions! The Board Candidate Packet and Application is right here - it includes more info and walks you through how to apply!

The Board

Our board has five active members right now, and after this election we’ll be seven board-members strong! Four seats will be open during this up-coming election, meaning we’ll have lots of space for fresh faces and new ideas.

The role of the Board is to establish a vision for the future of the Co-op and govern the cooperative towards these ends. At Daily, our Board governs via our By-Laws and our Policy Register. In addition to governance, the Board provides fiduciary and management oversight.

Our Ends Policy is used to guide our organization in every decision that we make. The general manager regularly reports on Daily’s progress toward achieving our Ends. Meaning that during every board meeting our general manager reports on a policy to let the board know whether we’re doing everything in accordance with that policy on the Co-op floor and the board votes to approve (“Yea”), disapprove (“Nay”), or alter the operational definition of that policy (“Wait, y’all - quick question”). 

Being on the board also offers a lot of opportunities to lead subcommittees - Are you great at organizing communications? Do you plan the best video-conference parties the neighborhood has ever seen? Do your accounting books stay flawless? If so, there’s a sub-committee that needs you!

Being on Daily’s board is really all about helping our community food co-op stay pointed in the right direction and helping to hold Daily accountable to the policies that govern it. 


Remember, all it takes to run is a membership with Daily and an application!

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